Before there was time I existed, in a dimension far different than now.

My whole world was self-sustaining, to no one I needed to bow.

But a question arose from somewhere inside, ‘How different would my world be,

If I didn’t know all the answers and the future were up to me?’

In a burst of light, the Universe appeared and a dimension of Space was formed,

And never again would things be the same, for Time was also born. 

And the blissfulness I had known before could no longer sustain my soul,

For the door to Creation had now been opened and I knew I had to go.

A speck I became on the ocean floor of a planet now known as Earth,

And as time went by I multiplied through the process of death and rebirth.

I took on a new form and being and changed my size and shape,

Until it was I became a man, just one step up from Ape.

I have made a lot of changes but still, have far to go.

There’s so much more to understand and much much more to know.

It hasn’t been an easy road for both sides I’ve had to play,

But I am learning to seek the middle ground and live from day to day.

And when my final dream is realized and my imagination has run dry,

I will close my eyes in peaceful sleep, but never will I die.

For although space and time may disappear my journey will not end,

In new dimensions, I’ll reawaken, and start all over again. 

For I am Life… and I am Eternal. 

2 thoughts on “I AM LIFE

  1. I am Jose Antonio son of Doña Sofia from Yocon Olancho and I wanted to know how you have been all this time because you have been a very important part of me and my family when you helped us and I want to thank you for everything you have done for me and my brothers

  2. Hello Jose Antonio, I am doing well now, after a health crisis a few weeks ago. I am getting old and need to start taking better care of myself. I remember Yocon and think about it often. Sometimes in the morning when I hear a rooster crowing I think I am waking up in Yocon. Life in Cambodia is very similar and I wish I could be in two places at once. Hope you are well. Feliz Navidad!

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