“There is a Wine that flows from the Vineyards of the Lord, Its sweetness aged in jars of clay Its price none can afford.  And wise men say that he who tastes It’s sweetness on his tongue, Will understand the Mind of God and evil overcome.”  With tear-filled eyes, a dying father passed these words on to…


I have lived an interesting and adventurous Life, full of wonderful joyous occasions but also times of great despair and sadness. I have taken chances and put myself in harm’s way far too often, however, because of luck, destiny, or karma, I somehow managed to make it to an old age. As I look back,…


I have run into many important religious men and women on my Journey through Life who, by the world’s standards, were way ahead of me intellectually and who, because of the pedestals society has put them on, stood head and shoulders above me… but like most of us, none of them have been able to…


Humiliation is a price too great to pay for many who, after spending a lifetime defending lies, begin to realize the Truth. My father was a religious man for the better part of his life and to the best of my knowledge he was a good one… although I suspect there were some skeletons in…


Twenty-eight years ago  I was in Olancho, Honduras, running a small clinic in the village of Yocon, I had been there for twelve years and was living rather comfortably, even though it was quite far off the beaten path and not the safest  place to be. Gun and machete  wounds were common  injuries that showed…

Good Samaritan II

I have always been intrigued by the story of the Good Samaritan… but like many of the parables I was told in Sunday School, it didn’t go far enough, for we were never told how the story ended. The intended lesson was obvious, we are to help all who are in need, but to what…


1Psalm 121:1-2 KJV I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, From whence cometh my help. I am increasingly concerned for the sorry condition we are leaving this Pale Blue Dot for future generations. Although I have tried to set an example for mankind to follow, as have many others, it doesn’t appear we…


~ Life gets frustrating at times… and when we see others enjoying the amenities of life that we ourselves desire but do not have, we often become envious of them, especially when they display a contemptuous attitude toward us. I question at times the purpose of evil in our world…but then I am reminded, that…


Last weekend I attended a morning worship service for the first time in many years, and must say that, although I felt a bit uncomfortable in a Pentecostal Spanish speaking environment… I enjoyed it very much. The enthusiasm of the congregation, as they began their worship with song, and the warmth of their acceptance of…


Genesis 2:7 Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Although I no longer believe that the Bible is the Word of God, it does have many good stories, such as the story of…